
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Review: Collected Ghost Stories

Collected Ghost Stories Collected Ghost Stories by M.R. James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ibi Cubavit Lamia
(There laid the screech owl)

Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth
Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep?


But in another minute they were in the sitting-room of the house, a small, high chamber with a stone floor, full of moving shadows cast by a wood-fire that flickered on a great hearth.

I can only just manage to tell you now the bare outline of the experience. I was conscious of a most horrible smell of mould, and of a cold kind of face pressed against my own, and moving slowly over it, and of several - I don't know how many - legs or arms or tentacles or something clinging to my body.

He never saw much of what was around him, but he felt the scenes most vividly.

How clear Betton bell sounds tonight after the rain!; but instead images came to me of dusty beams and creeping spiders and savage owls up in the tower, and forgotten graves and their ugly contents below, and of flying Time and all it had taken out of my life.

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